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Town Farm Primary School home page

Town Farm Primary School

Every Child, Every Day, Every Moment

Parent Support

Parent/Carer Pack - Supporting Your Family's Well-being

Surrey Healthy Schools Information for Parents & Carers: Supporting Children and Young People, Wellbeing & Mental Health Brief

New Surrey Wellbeing Partnership Facebook Page 

Helping parents meet emotional needs of their children


During the pandemic there will be times when we all need support to meet the emotional needs of our families, and the new Surrey Wellbeing Facebook page provides a safe and supportive space to help parents in Surrey weather the current COVID-19 storm. The page has units which provide age related guidance for the various stages of development in children and tips and ideas on how to meet their emotional and developmental needs. Informative videos and information sheets make it easily accessible.

This resource has been developed by a group of voluntary sector organisations, collectively known as the Surrey Wellbeing Partnership, and Dr Kathryn Hollins, Consultant Parent, Child and Family Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust.


Please click on the link below to access this resource.

Be Your Best - Nutrition and Exercise Advice for Surrey Families

Teachers at Town Farm will be collecting for the local foodbank.  If you would like to help support foodbanks across the UK, you could donate online to the Trussel Trust.  They support a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.  If you would like to donate to Stanwell Food Bank, you can visit and donate via PayPal.