“Developing a strong grounding in number is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. Children should be able to count confidently, develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers. By providing frequent and varied opportunities to build and apply this understanding - such as using manipulatives, including small pebbles and tens frames for organising counting - children will develop a secure base of knowledge and vocabulary from which mastery of mathematics is built. In addition, it is important that the curriculum includes rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures. It is important that children develop positive attitudes and interests in mathematics, look for patterns and relationships, spot connections, ‘have a go’, talk to adults and peers about what they notice and not be afraid to make mistakes.” EYFS Statutory Framework, 2021.
INTENT: We want children in Nursery to have a clear understanding of number, particularly 1-5, and to notice number patterns within the environment and be able to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many there are without needing to count. We will ensure children have a broad experience of a range of mathematical concepts as laid out in the Statutory Framework. During the Reception year, we want to guide the children towards achieving a passion for maths by mastering fluency skills.
IMPLEMENTATION: Children will be introduced to new concepts through small, adult-led focused groups and will be able to deepen their knowledge and understanding through the enabling environments and quality interactions with EYFS staff. During their Reception year, children will develop strong foundations in number and numerical patterns through whole class sessions, adult-directed activities, independent activities and play with a range of manipulatives. Teaching will be guided by White Rose maths as well as play opportunities.
IMPACT: Nursery: Children will be confident mathematicians, noticing number and patterns, being able to discuss what they see. We will monitor the impact to ensure children are ‘on track’ in the developmental age band 3 -4 years.
During Reception, children will make links between the concepts they have learnt, to apply new learning and solve problems, building fluency skills through a mastery approach.