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Town Farm Primary School

Every Child, Every Day, Every Moment

Application for Leave of Absence During Term Time

At Town Farm School we expect that every child will attend school every day. The Headteacher will only grant a leave of absence to pupils during term time if they consider there to be 'exceptional circumstances'. If a situation arises where a parent feels they need to request a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances, the parent whom the child lives with must apply in writing, to the Head Teacher at least two weeks prior to the proposed absence using the application for leave of absence form which is attached below or a paper copy can be obtained from the school office.  


In line with DfE guidance, school will not consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance.


The school considers each application for term-time absence individually, taking into account the specific facts, circumstances and relevant context behind the request. A leave of absence is granted at the Headteacher’s discretion.

Application for Leave of Absence