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Town Farm Primary School home page

Town Farm Primary School

Every Child, Every Day, Every Moment


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 




Parents wishing to register for a place in our Nursery will need to complete the application form which can be obtained from the school office or downloaded below. Applications are accepted one year before the child is due to start in nursery.


Children are admitted to the Nursery in September.


There are three options available:


Option 1 (15 hours, term time only) 

8:45am - 3:00pm Monday & Tuesday

8:45am - 11:30am Wednesday


Option 2 (15 hours, term time only)

12:30pm - 3:00pm Wednesday

8:45am - 3:00pm Thursday & Friday


Option 3 (30 hours, term time only)

8:45am - 3:00pm Monday - Friday


Eligibility for 30 hours:

  • For families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone-parent family), and each parent earns the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the national minimum or living wage, and earns less than £100,000 a year
  • It's a total of 30 hours of free childcare per week, over 38 weeks 




The Governing Body is the admission authority for this school but Surrey County Council admissions department manage all applications on our behalf following the Determined Admissions Arrangements as listed below.   


To find up to date information about the school's admission arrangements and details on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year, please use this link to the Surrey County Council website.


Admission to the Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception.


Parents may choose any school for their children, however, it is usual for schools and local authorities to operate an admissions policy which ranks applications on the basis of need. Our policy is to admit children in the following priority order:


  • Looked after and previously looked after children
  • Exceptional social/medical need
  • Staff children
  • Siblings
  • Any other applicants

Full details can be found in our Admission Arrangements as listed below.


All families of new Nursery and Reception children are visited in their homes before admission to ease transition from home to school.

Supplementary Staff Form

Nursery application form for children born between 1st September 2020 - 31st August 2021

Nursery application form for children born between 1st September 2021 - 31st August 2022