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Town Farm Primary School home page

Town Farm Primary School

Every Child, Every Day, Every Moment

Early Help Hub

Helping Families Early


Early Help means that children and families receive the right help as soon as a problem emerges. The aim is to help families as early as possible so that small problems are not left to turn into bigger ones.  This could be at any age through childhood and adolescence. In Surrey this is known as Helping Families Early. This is not a separate service, it is an activity undertaken by anyone who is working with families. It relies upon local services (such as Schools, Health, Police and Voluntary Organisations) working together to identify and support children and families who would benefit from extra help. 


Please click on the link below to find out more information. 


Helping families early - Surrey County Council (


If you would like to speak to a member of staff about Early Help, please contact the DSL team on