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Town Farm Primary School

Every Child, Every Day, Every Moment





Our curriculum is informed by, but not limited to the White Rose scheme and the aims of the National Curriculum for English 2014 to enable all pupils to: 

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics 

  • Be able to reason mathematically 

  • Solve problems by applying their Mathematics 


At Town Farm, these skills are embedded within maths lessons and developed consistently through the curriculum. We are committed to ensuring that pupils are able to recognise the importance of maths in the wider world and be able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts. 

Throughout the programmes of study, the pupils will work towards the key knowledge and mathematical skills that has been identified within each unit and across each year group.  These are identified in each year group and build towards identified key stage end points in accordance with NC expectations.  


The curriculum is sequenced to ensure progression in skills and knowledge from the EYFS, following ‘Development Matters’ guidance until pupils leave us at the end of key stage 2. The large majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace; Significant time is spent developing deep knowledge of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning. This ensures that all can master concepts before moving to the next part of the curriculum sequence, allowing no pupil to be left behind.  


Lesson design identifies the new mathematics that is to be taught and a carefully sequenced journey through the learning. Practice and consolidation play a central role. Carefully designed variation within this builds fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts. 


To ensure whole consistency and progression, the school uses the nationally recognised White Rose Maths scheme.   The White Rose curriculum is a cumulative curriculum, so that once a topic is covered, it is met many times again in other contexts.  For example, place value is revisited in addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.  The curriculum recognises the importance of pupils’ conceptual understanding of number.  It is therefore designed to ensure that time is invested in reinforcing this to build competency. 


Lessons are planned to provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem-solving elements into the curriculum.  When introduced to a new concept, pupils have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing. Alongside this, pupils are encouraged to use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems.  Both concrete and pictorial representations support pupils’ understanding of abstract methods. 


Enrichment opportunities includes access to interactive platforms (Now Press Play’ and Times Table Rock Stars), subject specific celebrations (World Maths Day and Financial Money Heroes), life skills opportunities (Young Entrepreneur and Money Heroes), and extended day activities (Coding Club). 



Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in Mathematics. Pupils’ explanations and their proficiency in articulating mathematical reasoning, with the precise use of mathematical vocabulary, are supported through the use of stem sentences and modelling answers in full sentences by the teacher. These help the pupils to make connections and expose the structure of the maths. 


Key facts, such as multiplication tables and addition facts within 10, are learnt to automaticity to avoid cognitive overload in the working memory and enable pupils to focus on new concepts. 


Lessons are planned to provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem-solving elements into the curriculum.  When introduced to a new concept, pupils have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing. Alongside this, pupils are encouraged to use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems.  Both concrete and pictorial representations support pupils’ understanding of abstract methods. 


Mathematical topics are taught in blocks, to enable the achievement of mastery over time.  These teaching blocks are broken down into smaller steps, to help pupils understand concepts better.  This approach means that pupils do not cover too many concepts at once which can lead to cognitive overload. 



The school has a supportive ethos and our approaches supports the pupils in developing their collaborative and independent skills, as well as empathy and the need to recognise the achievement of others. Students can underperform in maths because they think they cannot do it or are not naturally good at it. The school’s use of White Rose Maths addresses these preconceptions by ensuring that all pupils experience challenge and success in Mathematics by developing a growth mindset. 


Regular and ongoing assessment informs teaching, as well as intervention, to support and enable the success of each child. These factors ensure that we are able to maintain high standards, with achievement at the end of KS1 and KS2 above the national average.