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Town Farm Primary School home page

Town Farm Primary School

Every Child, Every Day, Every Moment


Welcome to Town Farm Nursery School

Town Farm Nursery is an enabling and well equipped pre-school setting which is supported and enhanced by our qualified teacher and nursery assistants.

We offer an excellent indoor and outdoor learning environment where learning opportunities are carefully planned to capture children’s imaginations and to meet their needs. We have a motivating curriculum through adult-led and child-initiated activities offering both play and learning experiences.

Children are safe and happy and are encouraged to share and make friends and listen to and value others.

Below we have information on our Nursery and we also have a Nursery Handbook that you can download at the bottom of this page. 

If you have any questions or would like to book a tour please call the office on 01784 254380

Welcome to Nursery 2023-2024